For this project Austin’s main concept word was groove, he kept this concept throughout each of his spaces by exploring different ideas and uses of the term. In his first space he explored the idea of actually grooving objects into the space. At first this exploration of the concept didn’t seem as elaborate as the others, however it does exemplify the idea of grooving with the use of multiple level changes. His next space was a design built off of past precedents of Greek temples. This space took advantage of the two columns and one wall kit, using it to imitate the steryobate like structures seen in Greek architecture. Austin’s last space focused on the grooving or joining of elements together. I think that the kit of parts that he used was appropriate for this space in relation to his concept word, which introduced two solids in the unit. With in each of these solids there appeared to be built in shelves and areas that grooved together to sever several purposes including storage.
Alyssa focused on the concept word of epiphany for each of her units, and used this concept to explore different ways to design each space. In her first unit Alyssa literally explored the idea of light, this can be compared to the idea of a person being enlightened when they reach a moment of epiphany. This was also fitting for this space because of its long narrow frame allowing light to pour in from one façade of the space. In her next unit Alyssa engaged the idea of real vs. surreal with in the unit. While I appreciate Alyssa’s questioning of what defines a wall, I feel like the concept could have been pushed deeper by maybe exploring the moment of epiphany one would have after determining what was real and what was not. Alyssa’s last space explored the idea of unveiling, as a moment of epiphany. I feel that this was one of here most interesting designs as it uses two solids to create a maze like structure, that would guide one through the unit.