Friday, February 18, 2011

Diagraming Order

After reading Christopher Alexander's Nature of Order the diagram that I was able to draw spoke to each of the main ideas that he discussed in his book.

While collaborating with my group members we realized that each of our books had something in common which was order. My book focused on the order of life at its different degrees in artifacts, buildings, places, and spaces. Audra's book which was Delirious New York focused on the city grid system that kept order in the streets of New York. While Brian's book the Ten books of Architecture focused on the philosophical reasoning and order for materials to be used in different scenarios.

When combining our ideas we felt that each of the three separate roads met at on conveinign point which can make the perfect blend of our ideas. This can be compared to the Roman roads Caros and Decumanus which convien at the hart of the city where every thing comes together.

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