Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tiliting Narrative WI

Unit One

As a person would enter into this space the first thing that they would see is an area for the preparing and consuming of food. Since this unit is 11'x32'as one would walk further through the space they would then walk up a ramp on either side of a niche that contains a space for sleeping and self reflection. At the top of the ramp is a wall that separates the public areas of this space from the private area which includes an area for bathing. Along the right hand side of the space are windows, that allow lighting to spill into the space as well. While this place may or may not be a place of permanent residence, it is designed for a single person to live in and the area that is in between the two ramps could also serve as a place to entertain any guest who may visit the space. The overall purpose of this area however is to create an inclining experience for one as they walk upwards through the space.

Original Sketch model

Unit Two
Upon arriving in this space the first thing that one would be able to notice is that there is a slight incline in the floor on the left side which is 10 inches high. This creates an effect that contributes to the idea of tilting, as one would travel throught the hallway created by the interior and exterior wall the walls give an off an illusion as if they were leaning over. This temporary moment of possible dicomfort in the space that adds to the concept of tilt, however upon entrance if one did not wish to walk through the hall way they could walk to the left side of the room where the cooking area would be. This area is separated from the more private bathing area by an interior wall, which is located inches away from a column which is placed there in order to define the space between the sleeping and self reflection area. The sleeping area which is in the back of the space is also connected to the tilted halway making some what of a private entrance to the sleeping space through the hallway on the right in contrast to a public entrace from the cooking area located on the left.

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