Monday, January 31, 2011

Unit Three: Tension 1.0

In the third unit, the kit of parts which was introduced was the kit containing the two solids. The solids that I introduced in the space were two curvilinear forms that protruded out of the floor. This came from the idea of tension. When something is tilting or is imbalanced, more than often there is some form of tension pulling at the object. The solids in this space appear as if something were pulling them off of the floor and upwards towards the ceiling. The solids served several purposes which included separation of private and public areas, as well as assisting one as they would navigate through the space.

Kit of Parts: Two solids

Axonometric view

Unit Two: Imbalance

In the second unit the word that best expresses the idea of tilt was imbalance. I used this space as an opportunity to physically tilt the room, and create an experience of imbalance as one would move throughout the space. The kit of parts that was introduced in this unit was two walls and one column. The kit of parts was used in order to separate my public area from the more private areas of the space. As one would enter into this unit one of the first things that they would notice, other than the incline in the floor, is the "tilting" hallway that is created by one of the interior walls and an exterior wall. Moments of comfort come in the space in certain areas like the kitchen and the bedroom area, where the floor has been leveled so that furnishing could be evenly placed on them.

Kit of Parts: two walls and one column

Axonometric view

Unit One: Incline

The idea behind this unit was to introduce the kit of parts, which was two columns and one wall in order to express the idea of incline which is an association word of tilt. The use of an elevated floor also helped to further explain this idea. As one would enter into the space the first thing that would be noticeable is the two leaning columns which are used to separate the cooking area from the social space. This was set between two ramps which create a form of circulation throughout the space, leading up to the private bedroom which is behind the wall that was introduced in the kit.

Kit of Parts: two columns and one wall

Axonometric View

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Diagraming Space and Narratives

Unit One
The main concept of my design in my unit was based off of the word tilt. The design of my spaces also comes from words that are associated with the term. The first unit is an expression of the word tilt, through the concept of inclining within an 11’x 32’ space. In this space when one arrives, upon entry the first thing that they would see is an open area in the center of the space where one could gather with any guest that they may have over. While traveling throughout the space the next thing that they would notice is the decline in the ceiling height as one would move further in, contrasting the two ramps on either side of the space creating individual side trips. In between these two spaces is a node or an area for eating as well as socializing in front of the food preparation area. As one would incline upwards on the ramps they would arrive to the private domain behind the central wall where the bathing and sleeping area is located.

Unit Two
In the second unit the concept of tilt is introduced through the idea of imbalance. This was demonstrated by the elevating the right side of the space by 4 feet. When arriving to the space one would enter on the left side of the space, which opens up to a social area within the space. One of the first things to note however that is as one enters the space there is a private hallway created by one of the walls in the space. This hallway serves as a moment of temporary comfort as it is one of the only areas in the space that is leveled. As one would walk travel trough the hallway it would lead them to the bathroom as well as the sleeping area which is separated from the eating area by another wall. This would bring on e around to the more public path in the space at the top of the incline, which is located by most of the windows in the space. This was done in relation to the floor so that the light would appear to be tilting into the space and reflecting off the floor.

Unit Three
The kit that was used in this space required me to use two solids that I felt best complemented my concept of tilt. With in the space I used two curvilinear solids that curved upwards as if the floorboards were being peeled away from the floor. As one would enter into the space the first thing that they would notice is that one of the solids would lean towards them as if it were tilting towards them upon their arrival. This solid also serves as a boundary, separating the bathroom from the open kitchen space. Once inside of the space, one would see that the kitchen area is located to the left of the entrance. The second solid separates this kitchen area, which is between this area and the sleeping space. Each of these spaces are located around one main central node where one could socialize with guests they may have over.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Designer Bio

As a designer one of my main goals is to find out what my style truly is, and to find out how to communicate my ideas clearly and thoroughly both to designers and non-designers alike. I really want to take this semester as an opportunity to explore and continue to refine my work and work ethic until I am able to find out what is my design style. I have always thought that my idea of design was very simplistic and a minimalistic approach to expressing my ideas. However as I continue to study and learn more about the field, I have begun to open my eyes to new ways of expressing my ideas. One thing that I have begun to lean more towards is digital media and learning how to use this form of media as a vehicle to express my thoughts and design process. One thing that I also wanted to really focus on this semester was my time management. I feel like some of my extracurricular activities can have an effect on the valuable time that I could be spending pushing my ideas and designs further, until I am able to get the results from my work that I desire. As a student this is one of the challenges that I do face which is finding out how to balance the design world and my own world. However I feel that there is an opportunity to combine the both by figuring out how to clearly explain my design ideas and present them to my friends who may not have any design experience.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tiliting Narrative WI

Unit One

As a person would enter into this space the first thing that they would see is an area for the preparing and consuming of food. Since this unit is 11'x32'as one would walk further through the space they would then walk up a ramp on either side of a niche that contains a space for sleeping and self reflection. At the top of the ramp is a wall that separates the public areas of this space from the private area which includes an area for bathing. Along the right hand side of the space are windows, that allow lighting to spill into the space as well. While this place may or may not be a place of permanent residence, it is designed for a single person to live in and the area that is in between the two ramps could also serve as a place to entertain any guest who may visit the space. The overall purpose of this area however is to create an inclining experience for one as they walk upwards through the space.

Original Sketch model

Unit Two
Upon arriving in this space the first thing that one would be able to notice is that there is a slight incline in the floor on the left side which is 10 inches high. This creates an effect that contributes to the idea of tilting, as one would travel throught the hallway created by the interior and exterior wall the walls give an off an illusion as if they were leaning over. This temporary moment of possible dicomfort in the space that adds to the concept of tilt, however upon entrance if one did not wish to walk through the hall way they could walk to the left side of the room where the cooking area would be. This area is separated from the more private bathing area by an interior wall, which is located inches away from a column which is placed there in order to define the space between the sleeping and self reflection area. The sleeping area which is in the back of the space is also connected to the tilted halway making some what of a private entrance to the sleeping space through the hallway on the right in contrast to a public entrace from the cooking area located on the left.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WI1 Opening my eyes to Exploration

"If you hold a cat by the tail, you learn things you cannot learn any other way."
-Mark Twain

During my first day of Patrick’s class one of the first things that I learned about was myself. This was done through the Change style Indicator exercise that we did. During this activity I learned about the three different categories of designers, which are Strong Originators, True Pragmatists, and Strong Conservatives. The category that best described me was the strong conservative category. I found this true because im a very goal oriented person and often find myself setting out to accomplish my goals in a methodical order. However one of my goals as a designer is to look at things through the eyes of a non-designer when designing a space or object. If they can understand both the surface and the substance with in your design then it should be able to be understood by everyone. One of the weaknesses of the strong conservatives is the fact that it is hard for them to see “the big picture”, this is why I want to make it a point to take into consideration the views of both the designers and the non-designers. In looking at the Mark Twain quote I found that one of my goals, as a designer is to step out and learn things in a different manner other than just trying to reach my goal through a step-by-step methodical order. So in a sense this semester I want to try holding the cat by the ear, maybe the leg…or better yet the whiskers, the bottom line is that I really want to take this semester as a chance to explore and find my style of design and how to clearly convey it to both designers and non-designers.