What I found the reading on the “computing in Architectural Design” to be was a time line on the evolution of drawing and how it has been used to aid with communication. One thing that I did not realize was how early the idea of digital drawing began. For example Ivan Sutherland designed the sketch pad system in 1963. Also I found it interesting that computer aided design was used in various fields such as mechanical engineering and in the construction industry. This caused the development of computer aided design to head in two different directions one being a more specifically for geometric modeling the other being more building specific. Based off of the various programs and different means to digitally render that we often use today. I was actually surprised that the first CAD like program was a well received and popular one. However I can understand this being popular among those who were not actually in the architecture field because it was something new and exciting. On the other had the earlier programs were far too limited in drafting capabilities for actual architects. These prompted companies to began working on more programs that focused on drafting and design to help those in the professional fields. During the late 1980’s things that enhanced the users experience with CAD were things like the continuing growth in the power of processors, the growing resolution of computer screens, and the introduction of raster color printing with ink jet printers. These changes made it possible for modeling systems to become more affordable and available. Also around this time architects were able to begin working in more photo realistic perspectives, which allowed them to communicate their designs with color, texture, shading, and depth. Over the years computers have used these programs to fit various roles which include design tools, means of communication, design assistants, used to design environments, habitable physical environments, and virtual environments. Computers have become a means of design and communication through the various programs that can be used to aid an individual when attempting to digitally record their design thoughts. Also computers are now able help to shape our design thoughts through the fabrication of digital environments. Computers can capture and immolate things from the real world such as temperature, humidity, and lighting and use them to create a virtual environment that can help a designer understand how their design may work in the real world. With all of the additions and evolutions that have been made to the computer, it is amazing to see how far the digital design industry has come and how far it has to go.